
EEHS Attendance

At EEHS we want the very best education for every child, to give them the greatest chance of success in their later life. We appreciate that the past two years have been unprecedented, but it is now imperative that as a community we come together to foster exemplary attendance values and habits in our young people. The target for all students at EEHS is 100% attendance.

As a school we have seen first-hand the impact the global pandemic has had on our students. To move forward from this, we have reshaped our school day, adapted our curriculum and increased the student support provision. We truly believe the systems and support we have in place in school will help our students develop both academically and socially. In order to be able to benefit from these it is vital that your children are in school every day and that you communicate openly and regularly with us.

The government have been clear with schools on the expectations for student attendance and we want to be transparent in communicating these clearly to you as parents/guardians.

Key Information

  • The morning register is at 8.30am. Any student who arrives late to form will receive an L late mark and will be issued a negative point/detention. Any student who arrives to school after 9am will be given a U code late mark – these are unauthorised, and fines may be issued from Surrey County Council if a student reaches 10 or more unauthorised sessions in a 10 week period.
  • Absences due to illness are not automatically authorised, as in line with public health guidance, students are expected in school, even if taking medication. This includes colds/period pains/allergies/feeling sick/sprains/anxiety/depression and covid-19.
  • It is expected that appointments will happen outside of term time/school hours. Medical evidence must be provided for all emergency appointments that happen during school hours. The attendance officer must be made aware of the appointment in advance.
  • Changes to legislation have made it clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. As a matter of policy, Epsom and Ewell High School will not authorise leave of absence for holidays in term time. Any requests for leave of absence for exceptional reasons during term time must be in writing to the Headteacher via the form below and submitted to the Attendance Officer. Applications must be made at least two weeks before the date you want the period of absence to start. Regulation does not allow schools to give retrospective approval. If a parent/carer does not apply for leave of absence in advance, the absence must be recorded as unauthorised.
  • As part of the government initiative to improve attendance nationally, unauthorised absences will be declared to the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or a fine will be imposed. Students with attendance under 90% are persistently absent and support may be sought from the Local Authority to improve attendance. 

Communicating Absences

  • Absences must be reported before 8.30am on each day of your child’s absence.
  • You can report through Studybugs (Studybugs), or by calling Miss Sullivan on 0208 974 0400 (Option 1)
  • You must give your child’s full name, year group and a reason for the absence. You must give sufficient information behind the reason for your child’s absence, lack of clarity or detail will result in unauthorised absences being recorded.
  • Please note just because you have informed us your child is not in school, does not mean the absence is automatically authorised.
  • Please expect to receive an email/text or follow up call if your child is absent and you have not notified the attendance officer.
  • If you have been asked to supply evidence, it should be emailed to

Attendance Rewards

Every student should aim for 100% attendance and punctuality. We encourage and reward excellent attendance and punctuality through achievement points which may contribute towards whole school rewards. We also offer attendance rewards such as trips, prizes, treats and assembly awards.

Attendance Support

We are very fortunate as a school to have such an experienced and devoted pastoral team. Attendance is monitored daily by Form Tutors, Heads of Year, Assistant Headteachers and the Attendance Officer. We have a wide range of internal and external support options if you have any concerns for your child (see support strategies document). We only ask that you communicate openly and honestly with us so we can work together to give your child the best support available.

Local Authority

We work closely with the Local Authority to ensure every child has the support they need to attend. Should a child’s attendance fall below 90%, they are then described as a ‘Persistent Absentee’. These students are reported to the Local Authority who consider if further support can be offered. If a student’s attendance/punctuality does not improve the Local Authority will consider whether to pursue legal action against the child’s parents/guardians. 

Just to remind parents/carers that if their child misses’ school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive), they will be liable to receive a penalty notice. 


  1. If you have not incurred a penalty notice relating to this child/children since 19 August 2024, then the penalty notice will be charged at the rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. This will be reduced to £80.00 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.


  1. If you have incurred a penalty notice relating to this child/children since 19 August 2024, the rolling 3 year period will be activated from the date of the first penalty notice and the second penalty notice will be charged at the flat rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. There will be no reduction for payment within 21 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.


If you have incurred 2 penalty notices relating to this child/children in the rolling 3 year period since the first penalty notice was issued, then you will NOT receive a third penalty notice – Surrey County Council will have no option but to consider a prosecution, per parent/carer per child, in the Magistrates Court under s 444 Education Act 1996.


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